On Tuesday, July 30th, I will speak with Taylor Cyr about his book 'How Free Are We?'.
Please let me know what question you would like to ask Taylor about his book or the surrounding subject (Free Will), and I will do my best to pick a couple to ask for our conversation.
You can find out more about Taylor here: https://taylorwcyr.com
Thanks for following me on Locals - here is early access to my conversation with Erik Wielenberg - enjoy!
Quote from:
‘The Everlasting Man’ by G. K. Chesterton, 1925 🖊
#priests #philosophers #religion #reason #church #philosophy
Book: https://amzn.to/4hH4kzL
I love this quote from Carl-Johan Palmqvist; it is a great reminder that things aren't as binary as they are often presented.
#theism #atheism #agnosticism #populations #philosophy
Currently Reading:
‘The Republic’ by Plato, 380–370 BC 🖊
#socrates #justice #philosopherkings #plato #dialogue #happiness #philosophy
Book: https://amzn.to/3WEZBWN