I remind myself every single day that I shouldn’t take this day for granted!
‘Not the longest life is the best, but the best-lived. For it is not the one who has played the lyre the most, or made the most speeches, or piloted the most ships, who is commended, but the one who has done these things well.’
• Plutarch, Letter to Apollonius 17 (IIIa-b) 🖊️
Thanks for following me on Locals - here is early access to my conversation with Erik Wielenberg - enjoy!
Quote from:
‘The Everlasting Man’ by G. K. Chesterton, 1925 🖊
#priests #philosophers #religion #reason #church #philosophy
Book: https://amzn.to/4hH4kzL
I love this quote from Carl-Johan Palmqvist; it is a great reminder that things aren't as binary as they are often presented.
#theism #atheism #agnosticism #populations #philosophy
Currently Reading:
‘The Republic’ by Plato, 380–370 BC 🖊
#socrates #justice #philosopherkings #plato #dialogue #happiness #philosophy
Book: https://amzn.to/3WEZBWN